So, last week, I went to Soda City Comic Con and I had a really fun time there! I met a lot of awesome celebrities like Summer Glau and Luci Christian and I also got a lot of awesome goodies from there like funko pops and art prints!

So, here’s what I’ve been up to for the past few weeks on my social media accounts:

  • NONE!


So, here’s what I’ve been up to for the past few weeks on my social media accounts:

  • I’m going to send out August Rewards for anyone who supports my Ko-Fi account!
  • I have posted up a new FAQ Sheet that will help people have a better understanding of my Patreon account.
  • I have started the special offers event where you can earn a downloadable Patron Card if you joined my Patreon account between August 1st – August 31st!

SOCIAL UPDATES #2: A Quiet Week…

Hey everyone!

So, with this brand-new blog that I just made, the purpose of this blog is to give out updates on what I have been doing on my social media accounts, so that way it would be much easier to keep track of what I do on other social media sites.

So, here’s what I’ve been up to for the past few weeks on my social media accounts:

The Surreal Movies and TV Blog:

Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  • NONE!



  • I have posted up my goals on reaching 50 Patrons on Patreon.


  • I made a video about some updates coming to the channel!
  • And on Animation Bliss, I also made a video about some updates coming to the channel!


SOCIAL UPDATES #1: New Beginnings for a New Blog!

Hey everyone!

So, with this brand-new blog that I just made, the purpose of this blog is to give out updates on what I have been doing on my social media accounts, so that way it would be much easier to keep track of what I do on other social media sites.

So, here’s what I’ve been up to for the past few weeks on my social media accounts:

The Surreal Movies and TV Blog:

  • I have just started up a new movie blog meme called “The Sunday Watch,” where you tell other bloggers about how your week has been, as well as telling other bloggers about what movies and TV shows you had watched during the week.
  • I have also made a post about 30 Years of Jurassic Park, where I celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jurassic Park!

Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  • I have started a new book meme on my book blog called “Cover Spotlight” where you showcase your favorite book covers. I also have themes for each week, but you don’t necessarily have to follow said theme. This week’s theme is LGBT related.
  • I also have another book meme on my book blog called “Book Photo Sundays” where you showcase any book photos you took on Instagram or anywhere else.
  • I have created a new ad on my book blog. Hope you guys enjoy it!


  • I have redesigned the Ko-Fi Supporters poster, as well as create a new poster for the “Arm Supporters.”
  • I have also created some new membership tiers and the rewards include becoming apart of the community, getting discounts for my digital art prints and having your names posted on the Ko-Fi Supporters and Arm Supporters posters.




A New Blog, A New Beginning

Hey everyone! This is Rabbitearsblog and welcome to my new blog “Everything Rabbitearsblog!” So, you are probably wondering about what happened to my old blog “Rabbit Ears Productions Blog?” Well, I decided to nuke the blog (or delete it out of existence), because I haven’t been that active on that blog and since I created a new site that’s dedicated to Rabbit Ears Productions, I felt that it wouldn’t make any sense to keep the old blog. So, in its place, I decided to create a blog where I alert everyone about updates that are happening on my social media sites, such as YouTube, Twitter, Discord and Instagram.

I decided to make a blog where I keep news about my social media here because I’ve been having trouble trying to reach out to all of my followers on each social media site I have since they are so spread out and I wanted to create a blog where all of my followers can come together and see what I’m doing on my social media accounts, as well as chat with me and other followers as well! I guess you can call this the “Discord” of blogs!

Also on this blog, I will be doing other activities such as having discussions about blogging in general, posting up weird images, talking about obscure media, receiving recommendations for the next book I should read or the next movie, TV show or video game I should review and have a section for fan art!

So, here’s hoping that this blog becomes a success and helps everyone keep up to date on my social media accounts as well as communicate more with me and other bloggers!

Hey everyone! This is Rabbitearsblog and welcome to my new blog “Everything Rabbitearsblog!” Now you guys are probaHebly wondering about what happened with my original blog “Rabbit Ears Productions Blog.” Well, I decided to delete that blog because I wasn’t being that active on it and also because I just created a new website that’s dedicated to Rabbit Ears Productions and I felt that we didn’t need the original blog anymore. So, I deleted it.

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